For further information or to arrange a showing please contact***
* Bright 1-Bedroom/ 1-Bath (upper in complex)
* This beautiful apartment features Carpeted floors and is equipped with a Stove.
* No Pets allowed (unless the applicant has a qualified Service and/or Emotional Support Animal(s))
* EGL accepts all Housing Authority and other assistance programs (Section 8, Vash, etc). However, the voucher must match or exceed the asking rent amount, and applicants need to meet our minimum rental qualifications (except minimum income). DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE TO CONFIRM THIS, ANY QUESTIONS; *** No Pets allowed (unless the applicant has a qualified Service and/or Emotional Support Animal(s))
* You can also get all the benefits of our Resident Package!
* It's located in the South Los Angeles area near MTA Public Transportation, Local Freeways include 110 and 105. Minutes away from Grocery store.
1129-1/2 W 95th St, Los Angeles, California, United States, 90044
Rentals in Los Angeles, CA
usually cost between $ per month
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