Experience a new standard of living at The Aster in Westwood, nestled between the prestigious neighborhoods of UCLA, Century City, and Brentwood. All units are furnished co-living spaces, meticulously designed with stainless steel appliances, central A/C and heat, and recessed lighting, freshly updated to deliver an unforgettable living experience. To cater to your dynamic lifestyle, we offer short-term leases, and every apartment is equipped with a washer/dryer for your utmost convenience. The allure of The Aster extends beyond your private space with enticing outdoor amenities. A BBQ area and an outdoor lounge beckon residents to unwind and mingle in the beautiful California sunshine. Reach out today and prepare to be swept off your feet by the impressive combination of plush in-unit features and attractive community amenities at this prime location.
1533 Sellby Ave., Los Angeles, California, United States, 90024
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