Amazing 2 beds/ 1 bath, Beautiful Kitchen, Living room, Hardwood floor, Sunny and bright, Call or email for a showing, No laundry in the building Nearby Stop & Shop, Mike's Donuts, Lily's Gourmet Pasta, Milk Weed, Crispy Dough, Pizza, Restaurant and Bars and more, Close to Brigham Circle, Longwood Medical, Northeastern University, Wentworth, MassArt, MCPHS, Simmons, Emmanuel, Berklee College of Music, New England Conservatory Etc. The agent aims to accurately promote and market properties. The price and availability is subject to change. The photos and information show how the apartment looks now, and, as far as the agent knows, they reflect the current details about amenities, utilities, and more. First, last, security and broker fee are required. All are equal
1 - 15 Parker HIll Ave., Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02120
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