One of a kind, large two bedroom, one bath apartment with skyline views of the city and an enormous private roof deck. The modern quality in this unparalleled apartment sitting at one of the highest points in the South End has panoramic views of the Boston skyline. This is a large two bedroom, one bath apartment will be fully renovated with granite countertops, stainless appliances, and new tile bathrooms. The apartment will have a private washer and dryer, central air conditioning and hardwood floors throughout unit. There is an enormous roof deck with unbelievable panoramic views of the Boston skyline. The apartment will have a high efficiency gas furnace and hot water heater as well as a central air conditioning system. This historic preservation balances modern technology with historic preservation. The two historic mantles (non-functional) and plaster crown molding provide an uncompromised traditional ambiance.
658 Massachusetts Avenue #6, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02118
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