Call or Text Kai now! This is a FUN, HIP, ARTISTIC and INSPIRING HOME AWAY FROM HOME! We are a group of fun, cool, hip creative space with happy and inspired people who have goals, dreams, and always are doing something awesome. UTILITIES INCLUDED and NO DEPOSIT! all-inclusive including bedding, toilet paper towels, and other essentials! WALKING DISTANCE: 2 minutes to Ralphs, Starbucks, open till 2 am Thai Food and the beach, public transportation, entertainment, shopping, colleges, and FUN! PERFECT FOR: Every creative person in need of not only an awesome place to stay but who is also looking to save money while having access to an instant social Community on Tap" to connect, collaborate and create with!! It’s the perfect spot to have Fun and stay PRODUCTIVE and INSPIRED! Easy move-in/ easy move-out. all-inclusive/ utilities etc included NO DEPOSIT, no credit check or contracts. The kitchen has all the necessary essentials for healthy food preparation with a food processor, juicer, rice cooker, blender, pots and pans, a huge wok, and all sorts of yummy spices.
2 - 4401 Park Entrada, Calabasas, California, United States, 91302
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