Login to your user account. Click your name as it appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen and from the My Profile page you can update all your account details.
Click Login in the upper right hand corner of the screen. At the bottom of the login window click the words "click here to reset your password". Enter your email address, click "Continue" and a new password will be emailed to you.
Login to your user account. Click your name as it appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select "Post a Listing" from the dropdown. Complete the listing details form and after payment is received your rental will be listed.
In Canada and the United States: to post an ad for 30-days, it costs $45; to post an ad for 60-days, it costs $75; to post an ad for 90-days, it costs $90.
Yes, a receipt will be emailed to you after completing your payment. You can also view and print a copy of your receipt from the My Listings page in your user account.
Included in your listing fee is the right to add an unlimited number of pictures, write detailed descriptions, and the promotion of your rental to our global audience searching for properties in your home market.
Absolutely! We encourage landlords to include a minimum of 10 good pictures, write detailed property descriptions, price your rental competitively and be responsive when someone inquires. Consider sharing your listing page on your social media channels to increase exposure.
Yes, after uploading all your pictures click and hold the "four arrows icon" in the upper right hand corner of each image. Drag the pictures to your desired order.
Yes. The first image you upload will default as your Cover Photo. You can change the Cover Photo by clicking and holding the "four arrows icon" in the upper right hand corner of each picture and dragging that picture to appear first.
You decide how long your property will be advertised for when creating the listing. Listings can be advertised for 30, 60, or 90 continuous days on our site.
Congratulations! Login to your user account and from the My Listings page update the status of your property to "Rented". Your listing will no longer appear in search results and you will no longer receive inquiries from other interested renters.
Yes! In fact, we encourage you to actively manage your listing information and respond to rental inquiries quickly. To update your listing’s information, click the edit icon on the My Listings page in your user account.
Yes. After a listing has expired, from the My Listings page in your user account, click the Copy icon and a new listing will be created with all the same details and information. Update the records that may need a change (such as the move-in date and the rent) and click the Post My Listing link at the bottom of the page to proceed to payment and activation of your new ad.
Until the expiry date of your ad, you can suspend marketing and also make as many other changes to your listing whenever and as often as you want.
We have a high number of listings for this location. Please refine your search or zoom in on an area.
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