422 South Lake is located in the historic Westlake neighborhood of Los Angeles. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and endless views of beautiful Southern California are just a few of the amenities you'll find when you come home. Apartments are available now, and one of them just might be yours.Convenient parking means coming and going is a breeze. Stainless steel appliances give you the edge for your latest culinary masterpiece, and stylish granite countertops bring a touch of elegance. With all that, you can gaze out at captivating views of the neighborhood and greater Los Angeles. What better place to reflect on your place in this lively neighborhood. Whether 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartments for rent in Los Angeles, you can't beat the value of 422 South Lake.
422 South Lake Street, Los Angeles, California, United States, 90057
Rentals in Los Angeles, CA
usually cost between $ per month
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