This is it! The most sought-after new address in the Playa District and Playa del Rey Neighborhood. The Q is an original, urban-inspired luxury apartment community located in the heart of the Playa District, Los Angeles, and was created for those who thrive on the excitement of urban living and appreciate a place that is uniquely home. Surrounded by the boundless energy, first-class dining, entertainment, shopping and opportunity of the Playa District, The Q is at once a reflection of the growing and vibrant neighborhood around it while offering a fresh, innovative approach to elevated community living. Featuring stunning finishes paired with smart home technology, each home is where style meets function coming together in a space that is as special and unique as you are. An escape from the ordinary, living at The Q is a perfect balance of sophisticated, connected and smart living.
5901 Center Dr, Los Angeles, California, United States, 90045
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