Available Now!! Beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in Downtown San Francisco, just a few minutes away from Bart Station and Union Square. Recently renovated apartment with laminated floor spacious living room with narrow hallways and very natural light apartment. -All utilities are included in the rent! -Street Parking only. Please give us a call if you have any other inquires or would like to schedule a viewing at (510) 434-1313. You can also visit our website at Bayarealiving.info and fill out an application and look at our other apartments that are available. Disponible Ya! Apartamento de 1 recamar recien renovada solamente unos minutos de la estacion de Bart y Union Square. Recientmente renovado con piso de madera y una amplia sala con mucha luz natural. -Toda las facturas estan incluidas en la renta. -Estacionamento solamente en la calle Porfavor de hablarnos si gusta agendar cita o tienes mas preguntas al (510) 434-1313. Tambien puedes mirar nuestra pagina web Bayarealiving.info donde tienes acesso a nuestra application o puedes ver nuestros otros apartamento que estan disponible
406 - 416 Turk Street, San Francisco, California, United States, 94102
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