ALMOST BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION!! Beautiful brand new home for lease, lease to own and for sale considerably. Located in PRIME Sarasota location! Close to Siesta Beach (rated #1 public beach in the USA), Sarasota International airport, UTC shopping district and MORE! This home sits between University and State road 70 for easy access to I-75 and the greater Sarasota / Tampa Bay area! This lovely home features a huge breakfast nook, large covered Lanai, gorgeous kitchen, huge great room, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, large 2 car garage and TONS of storage. Tile throughout the home means easy cleaning and staying cool. All appliances included: Electric Range, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Disposal, Microwave, Washer Dryer, A/C. This home is located is the brand new Grady Pointe community and was proudly build by KB Homes. Be the first to enjoy this awesome property. Relax while looking out on a large pond and enjoy the sunsets and the Florida lifestyle! Stylish tall fans, screen doors with insect-proof nets, enjoy the beautiful scenery in the backyard to your heart's content Minimum 12 month lease required. Open to longer lease. Owner pays for all utilities.
3438 74th Avenue East , Sarasota, Florida, United States,
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