Shared apartment with 4 bedrooms. Spacious dining, living and library room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms for common use. Fully furnished and equipped. Age range of residents 22 - 32 years old. Young professionals or Master's students. Fully remote workers not welcomed. Looking for residents with a good level of cleanliness and tidiness. All rooms are quiet rooms with garden view. By night, noise activities like loud voice calls, streaming and gaming must be controlled. Apartment in a residential building above Continente supermarket. 100 Montaditos, Pizza Hut and traditional Portuguese pastry by the door. 10ms walk to NOVA ITQB and F.Gulbenkian. 15min bus ride to Oeiras train station, shopping mall, NOVA SBE or Santo Amaro beach. Landlady and family live independently at apartment above.
Avenida Embaixador Augusto de Castro, Oeiras, Lisboa, Portugal, 2780-199
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