Big garden level 1 bedroom with: - Ceramic tile flooring! - Modern eat in kitchen! - Spacious open living room! - Nicely sized bedroom! - Updated tile full bathroom! - Private fenced back yard! Amazing location on the side of Mission Hill just minutes to Orange Line at Roxbury Crossing! Close to Green Line E Train at Brigham Circle, as well as multiple major MBTA bus routes! Convenient to many local schools and universities including Northeastern, Simmons, Berklee, Emmauel, Wheelock, Mass College of Pharmacy, NE Conservatory, School of The Museum of Fine Arts, Mass College of Art, Wentworth, Roxbury Community College, Boston Architectural College, Harvard Medical School, Boston University, and more! Nearby Longwood Medical Area's many hospitals such as Brigham & Women's, Beth Israel, Children's Hospital. Located close to shopping, dining, bars, parks, nightlife, and all the excitement of Boston!
1 - 686 Parker St., Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02120
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