Welcome to this studio apartment located on the West side of Cleveland, minutes away from the main hub RTA for your transportation needs. Apartments like these are hard to come by.
Here are all the bonus you get when moving in.
-Efficient windows
-Newer vanity in the bathroom
-Newer tile
-Newer light fixtures
-Newer furnace
-Newer hot water tank to help you save on the gas and electric cost
We charge 50 water per person to go towards the water bill.
Cat friendly $49 monthly fee
Electric And $50 Per Person Per Month Water/Sewer Bill. Owner Pays: Water
Owner Pay Water
3172 West 103rd St #1, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 44111
Rentals in Cleveland, OH
usually cost between $ per month
Your Rent Estimate Report
Range of rent prices in the area for similar properties.
Results based on rental properties with in Cleveland, Ohio
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