Lower *** Kitchener is a cozy 1 bedroom that is not to be missed! This lovely home has been tastefully done in pleasing and neutral colours.
The house is located in a family neighbourhood in Central Kitchener with proximity to public transportation, schools, shopping, and community centers. The lawn care and snow removal will be done for you and is included in the cost of the rent.
The eat-in kitchen has ample counter space. There is a nice laundry set included washer and dryer. There is a beautiful and spacious apartment.
This unit also features separate entry. Included in the rent are parking for 1 car, hydro, water and gas are covered by the Landlord.
The successful applicant will have excellent landlord references, be able to present their income, have good/excellent credit, and be willing to add to a positive, safe, and healthy living environment. Non-smoker / No Pets due to medical restrictions, thank you for understanding.
Please reply to this ad to arrange a time to see the house. We look forward to meeting you!
120 Settlers Court, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, N2E 2L4
Rentals in Kitchener, ON
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