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Victoria Park Apartments value cannot be matched. These are hands down some of the cleanest apartments for rent in Scarborough located at Victoria Park & Lawrence. Our staff works exceptionally hard to ensure resident satisfaction. The area also boasts a great Walk Score and Transit Score, meaning most errands can be accomplished on foot or short transit ride. Please visit our friendly rental office at 1757 Victoria Park Avenue.
Building features
What's included in your rent
Heat, Water, Parking*, *Outdoor Parking
Have Questions? Contact the Property Manager: (416) 759-9977
1757, 1759 Victoria Park Avenue , Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, M1R 1S1
Rentals in Scarborough, ON
usually cost between $ per month
Your Rent Estimate Report
Range of rent prices in the area for similar properties.
Results based on rental properties with in Scarborough, Ontario
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