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Rental Office is located at 2265 Victoria Park, Scarborough
This friendly 8-storey, 65-suite building offers apartments for rent in Toronto’s Parkwood area is truly one of a kind! With healthy Walk Score of 70 and Transit Score of 65 your commute will be hassle-free, as this building is steps from a bus stop and only seconds from the Don Valley Parkway & York Mills. Enjoy the summer months at nearby Fenside Park, which offers tennis courts, a splash pad, and a skating rink. Additionally, Don View Towers is within walking distance of Donview Middle School and Fenside Public School.
What's included in your rent
Heat, Water, Parking*, *Underground parking
Have Questions? Contact the Property Manager: (416) 443-0706
1216 York Mills Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3A 1Y6
Rentals in Toronto, ON
usually cost between $ per month
Your Rent Estimate Report
Range of rent prices in the area for similar properties.
Results based on rental properties with in Toronto, Ontario
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