Choose to live your best life at Statesman Apartments! Our luxury apartments in Franklin allow you to reside in comfort and sophistication while exploring the unique and dynamic culture of our city. Superior amenities, resort-inspired services, and a well-connected address allow you to indulge in all the urban conveniences you want without giving up on the peace and quiet you deserve.Offering a selection of one and two-bedroom luxury apartments for rent, Statesman Apartments gives residents an upscale experience in the best community in the area. Discover a treasure trove of leisure areas including a pool, the fitness center, and our clubroom. A high-end lifestyle lets your true self shine inside these luxury apartments where a washer & dryer set, a balcony, and lots of windows are all a given. We are pet-friendly, so your four-legged friends can roam around the conveniently fenced on-site dog park.
2950 W Statesman Way, Franklin, Wisconsin, United States, 53132
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