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Just minutes away from the DVP in the DVP & Lawrence area, these townhomes for rent in Toronto are the perfect community for your family. Swim in our outdoor pool, watch your children play in the large playground or plant your flower garden in hopes of winning this years 1st prize for best looking garden. Just minutes away from schools, churches, shopping, and a bicycle path, Cassandra Townhomes is the place your family will want to call home.
What's included in your rent
Parking*, *Outdoor Parking
Have Questions? Contact the Property Manager: (416) 449-4098
68 Cassandra Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3A 1S6
Rentals in Toronto, ON
usually cost between $ per month
Your Rent Estimate Report
Range of rent prices in the area for similar properties.
Results based on rental properties with in Toronto, Ontario
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